Philosophy Workshop: “Myth in Philosophy”

This workshop explored the role of myth within philosophy, the life dedicated to the pursuit of wisdom. What kinds of myths are there? When & how can myths be used effectively and appropriately? What does it mean to engage with myth in a specifically philosophical mode? How do mythic modes of understanding enrich, complement, or complete other ways of thinking and knowing, like the logical or analytical? Access resources & photos here!

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Philosophy Workshop: Grief as Self-Discovery

In this workshop designed and led by Merlin Student Scholar Fellow Julianna Breit, we offered a framework for acknowledging and understanding grief’s role in our lives through the lens of philosophy. Access resources & photos here.

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Philosophy Workshop: Ethical Living Through Self-Knowledge (Winter 2018)

Philosophers of the ancient world consistently describe understanding ourselves and our place in the wider world as one of the first steps toward living well.  In this 3-hour “philosophy as a way of life”-inspired workshop led by special guest & Princeton scholar, David Nowakowski, PhD (Assistant Professor of Philosophy, Union College), we looked at some of the insights provided by Ancient Greek thinkers concerning questions of self, free-will, responsibility, happiness, and more. View photos & access resources here!

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