Tag: reasoning
Thought Experiments & Change: Is Abandoning Utopia a Mistake?

Can utopianism be salvaged? Should it be? For many, the answer is no. But there are reasons to suggest, claims philosopher Espen Hammer, that a fully modern society cannot live without a utopian consciousness. But even if we were to adopt this stance, we must do this with caution. What preoccupies our utopian imagination is of utmost importance.
The Cultivation of Philosophical Sensitivity
Neuroscience: A New Model for Punishment & Reform?

In this article of the Atlantic, neuroscientist and author, David Eagleman, examines our criminal-justice system and the brain and advocates for a more “biologically-informed jurisprudence.” Why? “Acts cannot be understood separately from the biology of the actors, says Engelman, ” and this recognition has legal implications.” This (among other obvious…
Can Philosophy Help Us Get Beyond Anger?

Anger is an emotion that has (sadly) seemed to imbue our politics and culture. Thankfully, claims Martha Nussbaum — Ernst Freund Distinguished Service Professor of Law and Ethics at the University of Chicago — philosophy can help guide us out of this “dark vortex.” In this timely article, Nussbaum considers…
A Crash Course on ‘What Is Philosophy?’

At our Beat the Heat Philosophy Party in August, one of our presentations explored what philosophy is, what it isn’t, and why we should care. This fun video from the Crash Course series provides some additional insight about the matter, including a brief history of philosophy (primarily from a western…
How Philosophy (And Technology) Can Help Us Reconnect With Nature & Why It Matters

How Philosophy (and Technology) Can Help Us Reconnect With Nature & Why It Matters Andrea Houchard & Marisa Diaz-Waian, Public Philosophy Journal (2016) – Under Review. ABSTRACT: The human connection to nature is an important issue in the world today. While it is rarely articulated as matter of public concern,…