Tag: philosophy
DOJO THREE (WEEK 14): Same-Sex Relationships, Animal Rights & Environmental Ethics (Practical Issues)
DOJO THREE (WEEK 15t): Exam #3
DOJO FOUR (WEEK 15r): Ethics Bowl (Group A v. Group B)
Can Stoicism Help Tame Frustration?
Frustration is not a foreign concept. We have all experienced it — some more than others and for a variety of reasons. But does this mean that frustration is an inevitability? According to Albert Ellis — founder of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy/Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy — the answer is no. While…
DOJO FOUR (WEEK 16): Ethics Bowl (Group C v. Group D) & (Group E v. Group F)
DOJO FOUR (WEEK 17): Final Exam, End of Class Dojo Party
Bringing Existentialism Home
Existentialism is a term that was explicitly adopted by Jean-Paul Sartre to refer to his philosophical work, but became identified with a larger cultural & philosophical movement that flourished in Europe in mid-20th century. As an interesting sidebar, there are also some 19th philosophers who are referred to as existentialists,…