Tag: philosophy workshops
Philosophy Workshop: “Knowing as Practice”

Philosophers sometimes treat knowledge as something we have when we’re seated comfortably in a proverbial or literal armchair. Yet at the very least, this seems to leave out a significant aspect of our humanity: the fact that we are embodied creatures, who actively and dynamically interact with the things that we think about and know. In this workshop led by philosophers Hila Tzipora Chase & David Nowakowski, we looked directly at ways of experiencing, of encountering, and of knowing that involve the full, embodied human being. Access resources and information here!
Philosophy Workshop Series: “What is Philosophy?” (Thinking About Thinking)
Philosophy Workshop Series: “What is Philosophy?” (Making Sense of the World)
Philosophy Workshop Series: “What is Philosophy?” (Responding to the World)
Philosophy Workshop Series: “What is Philosophy?” (The Basics)

To celebrate the new year, we kicked off our 2021 workshop series by looking at the questions: “What is philosophy? What does it involve, what does it do, and why should we care?” For this first ZOOM workshop led by philosopher David Nowakowski, we surveyed several approaches to the question, “What is philosophy?”, each of which raised its own further questions for reflection and discussion. We also took a quick tour of the major areas or divisions of philosophy, as they developed in Greece, India, and elsewhere. Access resources and reading recommendations here!