Tag: philosophy walks
October 2022 Halloween Hayride-Philosophy Walk (“The White Wolf of Merlin”)
July 2020 Philosophy Walk: Into the Wild with Muir & Pinchot

What a gorgeous day for our July philosophy walk with author and journalist John Clayton. And what a great group of people. Through a combination of storytelling, biography, and philosophy, our walk took us into the wild (up Davis Gulch) with John Muir & Gifford Pinchot. Access audio recordings & photos from the walk here!
June 2020 Philosophy Walk: Leisure & Loafing

How nice it was to be outside in the elements after being cooped up for several months (for obvious pandemic-related reasons)! With the sunshine on our backs (coupled with a few bouts of rain), we explored Mount Helena by way of the Daisy Hill, Bitterroot Way, and Prairie Trails and talked about leisure & loafing with philosopher David Nowakowski.
Access audio recordings & photos from the walk here!
Merlin Receives $2,000 Grant from PLATO for their “Thinking as a Community” Program
Valley Bank Selects Merlin as an Awardee for its Christmas Giving Program

Thank you so much, Valley Bank, for your generous contribution to our organization. What a wonderful holiday surprise!! Your contribution will help to support our philosophy in the community activities for youth, including our “Big Ideas by Little Philosophers” program, our student fellowships, and our youth philosophy walks.
November 2019 Philosophy Walk: Nature & the Humanities
October 2019 Kid’s Halloween Hayride-Philosophy Walk (“Planet Hopping & Star Walking: A Journey into Outer Space”)

Woot-woot! We had such a great time on our annual Halloween Hayride Philosophy Walk! At the insistence of Mother Nature, this year’s outing was bumped to the first weekend of November (due to the weather). But…what a difference a week makes. Our weather was spectacular! Led by our guest storytellers & space travelers for the day, our crew of young philosophers headed off for a fun-filled day of stories, science & art inspired activities, and nature exploration. Check out pictures & all the things we explored here!