Tag: philosophy community endeavors
Thank You Dead Dino Productions for the Beautiful Video of our 2018 Reeder’s Alley Community Block Party
Merlin Receives $500 Grant from Helena Exchange Club for their Philosophy in the Community for Kids Programs
Flamenco Night at Free Ceramics: Celebrating Music & Community
Merlin Receives $7,000 Grant from PLATO for their 2018-2019 Philosophy in the Community Program(s)

We are ALIVE WITH JOY! Rainbows and butterflies abound! We just received word that for the 2nd year in a row, PLATO is awarding our organization a grant for our Philosophy in the Community programs….and this year in the amount of $7,000! We are honored to have been selected by such a prestigious organization and are looking forward to providing the Helena & surrounding communities with unique, fun & accessible opportunities to do, breathe & live philosophy! Thank you so much, PLATO!
Windbag Cares Night Generates $1,214 for Philosophy in the Community!
What Our 2017 PLATO Grant Helped Fund in the Helena Community

Grant awards are a huge part of the success and longevity of non-profit organizations. We are deeply humbled by the support shown to us in 2017 by PLATO! Because of their generous $5,000 award, we were able to offer the Helena (and surrounding) communities a host of interactive and unique philosophy programs throughout the year. Check out what their grant helped fund!