Does Philosophy Have a Place in Slow Medicine?

Merlin MCC | Scholarly Articles | General

Does Philosophy Have a Place in Slow Medicine? Marisa Diaz-Waian, Authored & Presented at the 2014 American Philosophical Association (Eastern Division Conference), National Philosophical Counseling Association Meeting. ABSTRACT:  If one were to tour a museum showcasing images of how we (as a modern culture in the U.S.) tend to the…

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Can Awe Promote Altruism & Prosocial Behavior?

Merlin MCC | Scholarly Articles | General

Awe, the Small Self, and Prosocial Behavior Piff, Paul K., Pia Dietze, Matthew Feinberg, Daniel M. Stancato, and Dacher Keltner, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 108:6 (2015): 883-889. ABSTRACT:  Awe is an emotional response to perceptually vast stimuli that transcend current frames of reference. Guided by conceptual analyses of…

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