Tag: ethics
Wildlife Recovery Book Launch & Community Discussion

We had a wonderful time at the Lewis & Clark Library with guest scholar Christopher Preston. Our evening involved a blend of author readings & community discussion. Over the course of our gathering, Christopher shared insights and perspectives about the people and wildlife he encountered while researching species recoveries. His encounters with whales, wolves, sea otters, and bison – as well as the scientists that study them – suggest that better ways to think about animals are close at hand. View more here!
Philosophy Workshop: “Friendship & Actions” Reading & Discussion

In his Handbook, the Stoic philosopher Epictetus tells us that “the appropriate actions for us to do are usually measured out for us by our relations.” Epictetus suggests that we can see how to act fittingly in any given situation, based on how we are related to the other people involved, whether as family members, friends, fellow citizens, enemies, or in whatever other way. In this reading & discussion, we used some extended quotations from Simplicius’ commentary as a springboard for reflecting on friendship, and on the appropriate actions that arise from our relationships more generally. Access resources here!
June 2022 Philosophy Walk: “The Pursuit of Excellence”
Philosophy Workshop Series: “What is Philosophy?” (Responding to the World)
Philosophy Workshop: The Philosophy of Evil (October 2020)
Jim “Poz” Posewitz: He was the Real Deal

There was no B.S. about Poz. He was the real deal. His best shots” have made Montana a better place. And his legacy will continue to do the same. These are the marks of a great teacher. Someone who walks the walk. Someone who inspires greatness in others. Someone whose “best shots” never end. It has been an honor and privilege knowing you, friend. Here’s to continuing kicking up dust!
Philosophy Workshop: Animism (May 2020)

Many of us take for granted a clear divide between the animate and inanimate. For instance: I am alive, but the chair I sit in is not. My dog is probably alive, as is the oak tree just outside my window. I am somewhat less certain about grass. Or viruses. What does this distinction between the living and nonliving mean to us? Why do we care so deeply about finding a firm line between the two? What might we discover about our world, our own assumptions, and our own ethical action if we are willing to question these categories? Many cultures and peoples throughout the world have never bothered to make such clean distinctions, and even in our contemporary western culture, a movement of philosophers has been challenging this divide from within. In this ZOOM workshop led by philosophers Henry Kramer & David Nowakowski, we explored the philosophy of animism – an orientation toward the world where everything is encountered as meaningfully alive. Access the video and other resources here!