Tag: critical thinking
Philosophy Workshop: “Transformative Experiences”

Some experiences in life are so significant, so profound, so intense, that after we go through them, there’s a very real sense in which “we’re not the same person we used to be.” That might involve a change in how we understand ourselves or the world, or in what we value or take to be important. In this workshop, we developed some basic concepts and categories, that might help us make sense of these transformative experiences. We also pointed toward some of the bigger philosophical questions that are lurking behind the problem of transformative experience, including rational choice, personal identity, and freedom & the Good. Access the session recording & other resources here!
Implicit Bias: What is It & Why Should We Care?

It is comforting to believe that our behavior is based upon our intentions and chosen beliefs. However, research into implicit bias suggests that this is decidedly not always the case. But what is implicit bias? And why should we be concerned with it? This article explores what is meant by implicit bias, what role it plays in our thinking and behavior, some of the philosophical dilemmas it presents, and offers an opportunity to test your own implicit biases.
The Cultivation of Philosophical Sensitivity
A Crash Course on ‘What Is Philosophy?’

At our Beat the Heat Philosophy Party in August, one of our presentations explored what philosophy is, what it isn’t, and why we should care. This fun video from the Crash Course series provides some additional insight about the matter, including a brief history of philosophy (primarily from a western…
Lessons on Empathy & Compassion from the Classroom
The Philosophical Knight – Søren Kierkegaard

Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard is oft regarded as a satirical, romantic iconoclast. Unlike many philosophers of his era, his prose was lyrical and poetic and the use of pseudonyms, paradox and irony were among his trademarks. Kierkegaard’s works explored such things as personal identity, duty, freedom, objective & subjective truths,…
A Healthy Side of Negative Emotions

There is no doubt that positive emotions are worth cultivating. But must we be upbeat all of the time? Is there a healthy side of negative emotions and some value in experiencing them? Many philosophers (Schopenhauer comes to mind here) argue that embracing the full range of our emotions (including…