Tag: Buddhism
Philosophy Workshop: Suffering & The Self – A Survey of Buddhist Thought (February 2020)

In this 2½-hour workshop David Nowakowski led us through a tour of the Buddhist philosophies of India and Tibet. After a brief historical overview, we began with some of the key philosophical claims—and the arguments for those claims—made by the historical Buddha. Then we went on to see how later Buddhist thinkers in India expanded and elaborated on these basic insights and concluded by looking head-on at some interpretive questions, for the place of Buddhist thought in the modern world. Access resources and photos here!
Reality & Understanding: Insights from a Buddhist Scholar & Theoretical Physicist

What do we know about the nature of reality & how confident should we be in our understanding of it? This complicated subject is the focus of a video conversation (courtesy of the Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Engagement) between the physicist, Sean Carroll, and the Buddhist scholar, B. Alan Wallace.
Merlin & Mindful Montana Collaborate to Offer Philosophy and Mindfulness to the Helena Community

We are elated to welcome Justin Whitaker, Philosophical Advisor & Mindfulness Practitioner for Merlin CCC and founder of Mindful Montana, to the Merlin team and excited to be collaborating on several philosophical adventures together, including mindfulness & philosophy workshops, mindfulness retreats, and one-on-one & private group mindfulness/meditation classes.
Buddhism & Buddhist Ethics
Can David Hume Help You With a Mid-Life Crisis?
A History of Eastern Philosophy Chart

Not too long ago we posted a great chart from superscholar.org on the history of Western Philosophy. Here is another one of their awesome abbreviated and informative charts — this time on the flow of thought in Eastern Philosophy. While several integral scholars in Eastern thought are not listed here,…
Do Compassion & Happiness Matter?

Do compassion and happiness matter? Without hesitation, yes! But how so? His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of Tibet reviews this very topic and provides his unique & insightful perspective on the importance of happiness and compassion to the individual and society at large. In the process, he discusses:…