Philosophy as a way of life is a “model of philosophy that emphasizes its practical, life-changing aspects.” The idea that philosophy has a practical side (be that therapeutic, behavioral, or other practical manifestations), is not new. Ancient traditions conceived of philosophy in these terms, as well of course as a practice concerned with knowledge and understanding. For many (if not most) of these thinkers, the art of thinking and the art of living were two sides of the same coin, both of which were integral to the philosophical life.
Real wisdom does not merely cause us to know; it makes us “be” in a different way. (Hadot)
In recent years, philosophy as a way of life has begun to re-emerge, thanks to the efforts of countless individuals — within and outside of formal academia — who have held tight to the belief that philosophy is and can be a guide to living well (in all that that entails). The philife website and network — led by Meghan Sullivan, Steven Grimm, Stephen Angle, Caleb Cahoe and other key figures — reflect the work of many of these dedicated individuals and serves as an excellent resource for all things “philosophy as a way of life” related! Viva la stoa!! #philife. Click here for recent Philosophy as a Way of Life news…

Some Principles of Philosophy as a Way of Life
Philosophy must be practiced at each instant
A goal of philosophy is to transform ourselves
Philosophy brings peace of mind, inner freedom & a cosmic consciousness
Philosophy is an exercise in the art of living
Philosophy is a mode of existing-in-the-world
~ Inspired by Pierre Hadot and crafted by Jane Drexler, Julia Jorati, Jacob Stump, Phillip Schoenberg, Marisa Diaz-Waian and Mark Ralkowski as part of the 2020 APA Eastern Conference (AAPT Teaching Hub Session). ~
PWOL Principles Applied to Program Design
(How might one design activities that help individuals…)
Experience philosophical ideas
Evaluate philosophical ideas through exploration and experience
Remember, carry, and apply philosophical ideas in their daily lives
Develop philosophical approaches to their lives
Explore how philosophical ideas might help them live better lives & make intentional, considered choices
Think more expansively, broaden perspectives & shift points of view
Focus attention in unfamiliar and intentional ways
Understand their relationships to other people and nature
Explore how philosophical ideas might help them create dialogic, multi-vocal experiences & cultivate, engage, and support community
~ Inspired by Pierre Hadot and crafted by Jane Drexler, Julia Jorati, Jacob Stump, Phillip Schoenberg, Marisa Diaz-Waian and Mark Ralkowski as part of the 2020 APA Eastern Conference (AAPT Teaching Hub Session). ~
PWOL Pictures
(2018 NEH Summer Institute, 2019 APA Central Conference, 2019 WOL Network Inaugural Conference/Workshop, 2020 APA Eastern Conference)

A carpenter doesn’t come up to you and say, ‘”Listen to me discourse about the art of carpentry,'” he makes a contract for a house and builds it. (Hadot/Epictetus)
The philosophical way of life is not a theory divided into parts, but a unitary act, which consists of living logic, physics, ethics. (Hadot)

Philosophy requires a common effort, community of research, mutual assistance and spiritual support. (Hadot)
Some Philosophy as a Way of Life Resources
PhiLife Website (University of Notre Dame)
Philosophy as a Way of Life: Spiritual Exercises from Socrates to Foucault (Pierre Hadot, 1995)
Pursuits of Wisdom: Six Ways of Life in Ancient Philosophy from Socrates to Plotinus (John M. Cooper, 2012)
“Ancient Philosophies as a Way of Life” (John M. Cooper, 2012)
“What is Philosophy as a Way of Life?” (John Sellars, 2017)
Learning to Be a Sage: Selections from the Conversations of Master Chu, Arranged Topically (Chu Hsi, 1990)
Discourses, Fragments, Handbook (Epictetus, trans. by Robin Hard, 2014)
The Essential Analects: Selected Passages with Traditional Commentary (Confucius, translated by Edward Slingerland, 2006)