We had a lovely time at our May Think & Drink kicking up dust and great dialogue (as per the norm)! A number of questions were tossed into the hat, including:
- How do we define play and work? How do we keep them separate? Should they be kept separate?
- What would an aesthetic relationship look like? And should we value this?
- Are the ways that we categorize people inherently wrong? Helpful? Harmful?
- Is there a “higher power” out there or not?
After a round-robin vote….the topic de noir involved aesthetics.
The Question We Selected as a Group
What would an aesthetic relationship look like? And should we value this?
Some Things Explored in the Process
What is the relationship between aesthetic value and purpose? For example, must purpose be absent from an aesthetic relationship with an object or being?
What sorts of things come to mind when we think about aesthetic value, e.g., beauty, inspiration, play?
Can and should we distinguish between the intellectual and emotional appreciation of an object or being? Does aestethic value only involve the emotional?
What is the relationship between art and aesthetics?
What exactly do we mean by an “aesthetic experience”?
And more…