What a wonderful way to finish 2018! A great crew and thoughtful discussion, coupled with tasty grog & eats….yes please!!
Here is a look at what we explored, some pics of the fun, and a favorite quote from the eve that we still find ourselves giggling over (and relating with on a daily basis!).
The Question We Selected as a Group
Have humans transcended evolution? Is this even possible?
Our Favorite “Knowledge-y/Nature-y” Quote from the Eve
I mean… think about the snow geese. Every year they respond to and interpret data around them and know precisely how, when, and where to migrate. How do they “know” this?!! For *&@’s sake… I can’t even find my car keys!! (Thomas Baumeister)
Some Things Explored & Unpacked in the Process
What exactly are we meaning by ‘evolution’? Genomic expression? Cultural expression?
Is all change evolution/does evolution always involve change? Are there examples where stagnancy can be considered evolution?
How does the concept of ‘response’ fit into all of this? And what about conscious choice?
Must everything that is part of evolution be ‘natural’?
What do mean by ‘natural’ and ‘unnatural’? For example, what if we came up with biodegradable plastic….is this natural?
Is the natural-unnatural distinction necessary? What about in cases where value judgments are involved?
And oh yes….what about the American Beaver dam and the ‘Sea Turtle armed with H-Bomb capabilities’ world? (Thank you Thomas Baumeister and Jemma Hazen for these gems!)
Thank you to the Philosophy Learning & Teaching Organization (PLATO) for supporting philosophy in the community and helping us bring activities like these to the Helena community!