April 2016 Philosophy Walk (Hodge-Podge)

Our April philosophy walk at Dump Gulch Trailhead consisted of a small but mighty group of two. The weather started out a bit chillier than anticipated (especially given our welcomed & unexpected 68-degree+ weather on the previous couple of days) but ended up thawing half-way through. Thank you sunshine!

While we were originally slated to discuss part two of the intersection of technology, philosophy & nature walk series…we ended up taking a detour, touching upon numerous interesting areas of exploration sparked from our philosophy drive-in the eve before, including:


  • Gravity & the experience of time
  • Science & technology (in general)
  • Neuroscience, dreams & deja vu
  • Aesthetics and ways of “knowing”
  • Education
  • Geology
  • Montana history

Given our unexpected but welcomed detour from our original topic, we plan on revisiting our technology, philosophy & nature conversation on a future walk date!

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