Category: Merlin Press
Merlin, Teach Different & Plato Team Up for the PPN Conference in Santa Cruz
Suffering & Scars: A Conversation on the Teach Different Podcast
Merlin Director Featured in Humanities MT Environmental Humanities Perspective Series
“Philosophy In & By the Community”: Merlin & Helena Community Members featured in Vernon Press Anthology

A 2021 Vernon Press anthology series edited by Stephen Kekoa Miller featuring eight chapters about doing philosophy in innovative ways, both in the schools and the community at large. In our chapter, “Philosophy In & By the Community,” we explore how Merlin CCC — with the help & support of community — has taken shape in interesting, delightful, and unexpected ways. In the process, we discuss our approach to philosophy, the kind of work we do, and some of its characteristics…as well as the significance & beauty of community & place. Learn more here!
Merlin Featured in APA: An “Into Philosophy” Series Interview

An American Philosophical Association special series by Jeremy Bendik-Keymer and the “Into Philosophy” Team. This interview with Merlin CCC Founder & Director, Marisa Diaz-Waian, is part of a collection of collaborative essays/mini-series called “Philosophy as a Way of Life.” Read the interview here!
Jim “Poz” Posewitz: He was the Real Deal

There was no B.S. about Poz. He was the real deal. His best shots” have made Montana a better place. And his legacy will continue to do the same. These are the marks of a great teacher. Someone who walks the walk. Someone who inspires greatness in others. Someone whose “best shots” never end. It has been an honor and privilege knowing you, friend. Here’s to continuing kicking up dust!
Merlin “Philosophy in the Community” Program Featured on PLATO

The Philosophy Learning & Teaching Organization has been by our side from day one. They were our first grantors and have continued to support our organization annually in various ways since 2017. In June of this year, we were interviewed by PLATO and asked various questions about Starting a philosophy community initiative, our program highlights, our goals & visions, and more. Check out the interview here!