Category: Philosophy Walks
Trying out parent category set-up
October 2022 Halloween Hayride-Philosophy Walk (“The White Wolf of Merlin”)
September 2022 Philosophy Symposia Series: Gaia & Indigenous Perspectives on Nature

In this symposia series, led by guest scholars Martin Ogle and Lailani Upham we explored our relationship with nature as viewed by Gaia Theory & Indigenous worldviews, respectively. Events involved discussions and reflections about the inter-connectivity of earth (and its numerous inhabitants), mythology, science, literature, and ethics. Access audio-video, resources & photos here!
June 2022 Philosophy Walk: “The Pursuit of Excellence”
May 2022 Philosophy Walk: “Place, Climate Change & Urban Design – Some Practical Applications”
October 2021 Philosophy Walk: “Quirky Virtues”
October 2021 Philosophy Walk: “Justice as Fairness”

In this philosophy walk led by Ed Glowienka we explored justice as through the lens of fairness, freedom/responsibility, and equity — aspects of justice advanced by the late philosopher John Rawls. While a summary of Rawls’ views were provided at the outset, as well as some of his working principles along the way, the bulk of our meandering was spent exploring, working out, expanding upon, and applying Rawls’ views in a “hands-on” way to the contemporary issues of environmental justice and international justice. Access audio recordings of our discussions and view pictures here!
Hayride-Cemetery Walks: Pumpkins, Ghosts & Cemeteries

We were pumped to team up with Johnson’s Nursery & Gardens, Forestvale Cemetery, and historian Ellen Baumler for some fun days of pumpkin picking and hayride ghost story cemetery tours. After playing at Johnson’s Nursery & Gardens, folks loaded into our hayride wagon and took a ride down the road with us to Forestvale Cemetery, where heard ghost stories, wandered the cemetery grounds, and learned more about its residents and history! Check out the video and photos here!