Does Philosophy Have a Place in Slow Medicine?

Merlin MCC | Scholarly Articles | General

Does Philosophy Have a Place in Slow Medicine? Marisa Diaz-Waian, Authored & Presented at the 2014 American Philosophical Association (Eastern Division Conference), National Philosophical Counseling Association Meeting. ABSTRACT:  If one were to tour a museum showcasing images of how we (as a modern culture in the U.S.) tend to the…

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Facts, Opinions & Moral Truths

What does it mean for something to be a fact? What about an opinion?  And how do either (or both) of these relate to morality and value claims or moral truths?  Justin P. McBrayer, Associate Professor of Philosophy at Fort Lewis College, provides a fascinating (albeit troubling) look at how…

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Do Compassion & Happiness Matter?

Merlin MCC | Dalai Lama Smile | Why Compassion & Happiness Matter

Do compassion and happiness matter?  Without hesitation, yes!  But how so?   His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama of  Tibet reviews this very topic and provides his unique & insightful perspective on the importance of happiness and compassion to the individual and society at large.  In the process, he discusses:…

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Why Walking Can Make You a Better Thinker

Merlin MCC | Why Walking Can Make You a Better Thinker

Ancient Greek philosophers believed there to be a deep, intuitive connection between walking and thinking (and writing).  Getting up and walking about (especially outdoors in nature) can make us better thinkers.  But is such a belief justified? In this pithy and insightful article, Feris Jabr (of the New Yorker) discusses…

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Grief vs Depression

Merlin MCC | Grief vs. Depression

Grief & depression are not the same thing.  You can grieve without being depressed and without your grief leading to depression.  However, the distinction is a sticky one and can walk a fine line.  For these reasons and more…therapists and medical professionals have avoided categorizing those who have just lost…

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Hand Gestures for Critical Discussion

Merlin MCC | Talking with Your Hands

So…apparently we have a thing for talking with our hands.  So do Jasmine Johnson & Alice May Williams of MoreUtopia! – who put together this hilarious glossary of hand gestures for critical discussion.  To see the animated version (we highly suggest that you do!) click here or on the picture…

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Can Philosophy Help Us Deal With Death?

Merlin MCC | Philosophy & Death

When it comes to death, philosophers’ have often focused their attention on what death means for the person who has died.  But what about those who are “left behind”?  Julian Baggini – philosopher, author & founding editor of The Philosopher’s Magazine — discusses three dimensions of death: what death means…

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