2016 Philosophy Symposium – “Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines” (Part 1)

Co-directed by Merlin CCC (in conjunction with Dr. Barry Ferst, Professor of Philosophy at Carroll College, and Tim Holmes, internationally-renowned artist) and hosted by Carroll College,  “Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines” was the first of three community events geared to initiate a public discussion about the human-technology relationship and the promises…

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Bringing Existentialism Home

Existentialism is a term that was explicitly adopted by Jean-Paul Sartre to refer to his philosophical work, but became identified with a larger cultural & philosophical movement that flourished in Europe in mid-20th century.  As an interesting sidebar, there are also some 19th philosophers who are referred to as existentialists,…

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October/November 2016 Philosophy Think & Drink

Our October/November Think & Drink was a lively one withseveral new faces joining the mix! With beverages and food in hand, our group of sip n’ talkers settled in at The Sapphire in the wine vault room for a delightful evening of philosophical dialogue. Several great questions were posed at…

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October 2016 Halloween-Themed Little Philosopher’s Walk (Imagination & Storytelling)

In addition to enjoying a stunning Fall day (thank you Mother Nature!), we had a blast exploring the terrain and talking about imagination & storytelling on our Halloween-Themed Philosophy Walk for Kids!  Thank you so much to the amazing group of kids (and adults) who participated in the meandering and…

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October 2016 Philosophy Drive-In

Our October Philosophy Drive-In was a blast!  Our awesome group of philosophy & movie-lovers enjoyed tasty movie snacks and the 2009 historical drama Agora — a film centered around the famous female astronomer, philosophy and mathematics professor Hypatia of Alexandria during the decline of Greco-Roman polytheism & the Christianization of…

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September 2016 Philosophy Think & Drink

Our September Think & Drink was great fun!  Our group of thinkers & drinkers hunkered down at The Sapphire in the wine vault room (if you haven’t checked the wine room out, you should – it’s quite charming and cozy!).  With our favorite beverages and tasty snacks in hand, we…

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The Modernity of Aristotle’s Political Philosophy

Think that the political philosophy of Aristotle is out-dated?  Think again.  In this article, Matt Qvortrup — Professor of Political Science at Coventry University — explores the surprising modernity of Aristotle’s works & its relevance to current day politics.   When thinking about government, for example, consider Aristotle’s claim in The…

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