2016 Philosophy Symposium – “Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines” (Part 1)

Co-directed by Merlin CCC (in conjunction with Dr. Barry Ferst, Professor of Philosophy at Carroll College, and Tim Holmes, internationally-renowned artist) and hosted by Carroll College, “Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines” was the first of three community events geared to initiate a public discussion about the human-technology relationship and the promises…
Bringing Existentialism Home

Existentialism is a term that was explicitly adopted by Jean-Paul Sartre to refer to his philosophical work, but became identified with a larger cultural & philosophical movement that flourished in Europe in mid-20th century. As an interesting sidebar, there are also some 19th philosophers who are referred to as existentialists,…
October/November 2016 Philosophy Think & Drink
October 2016 Halloween-Themed Little Philosopher’s Walk (Imagination & Storytelling)

In addition to enjoying a stunning Fall day (thank you Mother Nature!), we had a blast exploring the terrain and talking about imagination & storytelling on our Halloween-Themed Philosophy Walk for Kids! Thank you so much to the amazing group of kids (and adults) who participated in the meandering and…
October 2016 Philosophy Drive-In

Our October Philosophy Drive-In was a blast! Our awesome group of philosophy & movie-lovers enjoyed tasty movie snacks and the 2009 historical drama Agora — a film centered around the famous female astronomer, philosophy and mathematics professor Hypatia of Alexandria during the decline of Greco-Roman polytheism & the Christianization of…
September 2016 Philosophy Think & Drink
The Modernity of Aristotle’s Political Philosophy

Think that the political philosophy of Aristotle is out-dated? Think again. In this article, Matt Qvortrup — Professor of Political Science at Coventry University — explores the surprising modernity of Aristotle’s works & its relevance to current day politics. When thinking about government, for example, consider Aristotle’s claim in The…