2017 Philosophy Symposium – “Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines” (Part 2)

Co-directed by Merlin CCC (in conjunction with Tim Holmes, local and internationally-renowned artist, and Pastor Russ Danaher, ADA Coordinator, Montana Department of Corrections) and hosted by Carroll College,  “Vulnerable Humanity, Predictable Machines” (Part 2) was the second of three community events geared to initiate a public discussion about the human-technology…

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Technology in the Classroom

In a time where on-line distractions are at an all-time high, is there room for technology in the classroom?  More precisely, can technology if used correctly help facilitate student engagement & enhance learning?  Recipient of the Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer and Chemistry Lecturer and Ohio State…

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4-Week Intensive Mindfulness Course (Feb-March 2017)

Our Feb-march 2017 4-Week Intensive Mindfulness Course at Reeder’s Alley Interpretive & Convention Center is underway. Please find below a consolidated list of helpful resources (provided by the lovely Justin Whitaker).  We will keep this page live and active for all workshop participants (and community members).  Please feel free to…

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The Generative Power of Being Wrong

Being wrong is not often glorified.  But there is great value in being wrong.  According to Daniel Dennett — American philosopher & cognitive scientist known for his research on philosophy of mind, philosophy of science, and philosophy of biology — “the history of philosophy is in large measure the history…

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4-Week Intensive Mindfulness Course (January 2017)

Our January 2017 4-Week Intensive Mindfulness Course at Reeder’s Alley Interpretive & Convention Center took place on Sundays Jan. 8th, 15th, 22nd & 29th 2017 from 2pm – 4pm. Please find below a consolidated list of helpful resources (provided by the lovely Justin Whitaker).  We will keep this page live…

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The Power of Metaphor

Metaphor is a powerful tool.  Philosophers, poets, scientists, artists, authors, and thinkers across the ages have turned to metaphor to help clarify ideas, make connections, enlarge perspectives and scope, and cross intellectual & emotional terrains.  In this wonderful On Being interview conducted on December 22nd of 2016, Krista Tippett and…

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