Young Philosophers Take On COVID-19 in the Twilight Zone

In the past several weeks, COVID-19 has taken our communities by storm, forcing the closure of schools, businesses, restaurants, libraries, transport, and more.   In other words….a real time, real world Twilight Zone.  In response to this, our young philosophers have opted to take on COVID-19 in a manner that would make Rod Serling proud. Their adaptability, creativity, and resilience is inspiring!

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Philosophy Workshop: Wonder, Nature & Play (March 2020)

Have you ever wondered about wonder? What exactly is the experience of wondering? Why do we feel it? When do we feel it? Why might it be valuable? And, most pressingly: how can wonder be cultivated to assist us in dealing with modern problems, both on a large scale and in our individual, personal lives? In this 2½-hour workshop led by 2019-2020 Student Scholar Fellow Henry Kramer we investigated the connections between wonder, nature, imagination, and play through lecture, discussion, and exercises. Access resources and photos here!

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Philosophy Workshop: Suffering & The Self – A Survey of Buddhist Thought (February 2020)

In this 2½-hour workshop David Nowakowski led us through a tour of the Buddhist philosophies of India and Tibet. After a brief historical overview, we began with some of the key philosophical claims—and the arguments for those claims—made by the historical Buddha. Then we went on to see how later Buddhist thinkers in India expanded and elaborated on these basic insights and concluded by looking head-on at some interpretive questions, for the place of Buddhist thought in the modern world. Access resources and photos here!

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Philosophy Workshop: The Philosophy of Friendship (January 2020)

In this 2½-hour workshop led by David Nowakowski, we explored some classic arguments about friendship offered by Aristotle, the Stoic philosophers Epictetus and Seneca, and the traditions of ancient commentaries on these philosophers’ work.  We examined the what’s and why’s of friendship, in order to find guidance on how to navigate the difficult, challenging, and perplexing situations that all-too-often arise among friends. Access resources & photos here!

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January 2020 Philosophy Think & Drink (Missoula)

We had a great time at our January Think & Drink! Our group talked about symbols and parasites. You, you heard right! Check out some of the questions and ideas that came up in the process!

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2019 Merlin Mailer Newsletter — A Year in Review

We love our annual newsletters. They’re our way of honoring “the joy that you are” & the joy you bring to us! This year’s letter is an invitation to re-live some of the philosophical adventures of 2019, as well as an extended hand to join us on more in 2020. It features highlights from our 2019 activities, things we’ve been up to in public philosophy, announcements & thanks you’s, and things on the radar for 2020. We had a great time putting it together & hope you enjoy the ride!

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Spotlight on Helena: Field Education & Research

Field education and research is an important part of public philosophy.   Helena and its residents are a huge source of inspiration for us.  We learn and grow from you.  We also get to share how amazing you are with people outside of Helena!  As part of our commitment to living the philosophical life and enriching and fine-tuning our craft, we regularly participate in several conferences and workshops throughout the year. This is also where we get to brag about you, Helena! Check out some highlights from 2019…and things on the radar for 2020!

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