Merlin to Lead MWA Staff Philosophy Walk in October


We are so excited to be collaborating with one of our favorite local non-profits —  Montana Wilderness Association! Shortly after our September 2017 Philosophy Walk (Walk 1  our 3-part Fall Philosophy Walk series) on environmental ethics, ecology, conservation, preservation, the history of hunting and conservation, hunting ethics & practical challenges/concerns, and governance and policy), our organization was asked to lead a special Philosophy Walk for the MWA staff.  We are elated!

Thank you so much Montana Wilderness Association for asking us to take part in and lead such a fun endeavor.  It is a true honor!

What are We Doing?

On October 25th, we will embark on a fun hike along Rodney Ridge trail with 15-25 MWA staff members for a walk and talk about environmental ethics, conservation/preservation, stewardship, wildness and wilderness, technology and nature, epistemology, community and more!

To view photos from our philosophy walk click here!


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