Technology & Philosophy

Live music by Ken Nelson & Friends and a special live theater performance in the Flex Theater written by Ross P. Nelson. Dinner by Last Chance Market & Catering.
Speakers & Theme
Our “Food for Thought” fundraiser is a limited capacity event with dinner and beverages, entertainment & thought-provoking table talks led by guest scholars. This year’s theme is “Technology & Philosophy: At the Crossroads.” We have a great line-up with some amazing thinkers, each of whom offer a diverse range of perspectives. Our guest scholars include:
- Stephen Maly (Paradiplomat, Global & Civic Affairs)
- Bonnie Sheehay (Professor of Philosophy, Montana State University)
- Ed Glowienka (Professor of Philosophy, Carroll College)
- Noal Petty (Corporal, Helena Police Department & Instructor of Criminology, Carroll College)
- Tim Holmes (Artist, Sculptor, Painter & Filmmaker, Tim Holmes Studio)
- Mark Smillie (Professor of Philosophy & Department Chair, Carroll College)
- Robert Whited (Director of Information Technology, Carroll College)
- Robert Seidenshwarz (Founder and Financial Advisor, S.G. Long Co. & President Emeritus, Montana World Affairs Council)
Hosted by Carroll College on behalf of John & Victoria Cech.